The First Thing You Must Know About Virtual Web Hosting
Even though you may be thinking that virtual web hosting sounds like it is a hard thing to understand it is actually very simple to get the gist of what you are dealing with here. It is basically a type of hosting that is running on many different “virtual” servers from one physical computer. This is a way for dedicated hosting to be offered for a better price than it usually is offered for.
This also means that you will have the security of the virtual web hosting company that you choose. Security is a huge issue and when you do not have the right security you could find out that you have been hacked and you may lose money due to this. You need to know what your options are and what you really need for security.
Regardless of whether you are trying to make money by blogging or putting up a website you are going to need some type of virtual web hosting to help you put up your website or your blog. This is the foundation of your online business and you should understand the four choices that are available from the virtual web hosting companies.
The Top 5 Types of Virtual Web Hosting
1. Shared Virtual Web Hosting
The most common type of virtual web hosting is shared hosting. This type of hosting will have you sharing a single server with hundreds if not thousands of websites and blogs. This will give you the lowest possible price for your hosting, but you will also have slower hosting along with slower response times. The security of your hosting account will also be less than the other choices.
2. Dedicated Virtual Web Hosting
Dedicated hosting is the most expensive type of hosting you are going to find. It is exactly what it sounds like and the entire server is dedicated specifically for you. This will allow you to easily run multiple blogs and websites with higher bandwidth that can handle larger amounts of traffic. This is the best foundation you can get for your website or blog.
3. Colocation Hosting
Another type of hosting that is dedicated hosting is colocation hosting. This is when you, the customer, actually own the server and it is very expensive. However, you will be able to resell the server at any time and you are not just renting the server space. You will spend over $1,500 for the server, and then you can end up paying well over $1,000 a month to house this server.
This type of hosting is for larger businesses and very high traffic websites. If you know that you are going to get millions of visitors every week you are going to need the right type of hosting to support this type of site. You need to consider colocation hosting if you have the money to spend on it.
4. Reseller Hosting
Reseller hosting is a way for you to not only get good hosting for you, but also make money off of your hosting. You will purchase a large amount of virtual web hosting space from a hosting company, and then you can sell off the portions that you don’t need. This is basically becoming a smaller web hosting company or a reseller of hosting space.
5. VPS hosting
The final type of virtual web hosting is VPS hosting. This is a bit of a newer type of hosting and allows the smaller company or the internet marketer to get many of the benefits they get from dedicated hosting for a much more affordable price. VPS hosting is basically a partition of a server that you don’t have to share. It is dedicated all to you and is much less expensive than dedicated hosting is.
How to Find the Best Virtual Web Hosting for Your Project
There are many specialized types of virtual web hosting within the five major types that you will want to consider. Some of the top web hosting companies may specialize in blog hosting or in ASP hosting. These are both very different from each other, and you need to understand the different choices of you have before you purchase hosting.
Finding the right type of hosting for you is the first step and the second step is to work on finding one of the top web hosting companies for your project. There are many lists of the top ten hosting choices that are out there and you need to find at least one of these lists to help you out. This is a good starting point for any beginner looking for the best virtual web hosting.
You will want to consider that some companies will provide you with the right type of hosting for you because they specialize in it. This could be the best blog hosting for you or it could be the best FTP hosting and it all depends on the hosting company. Make sure you find out which type of virtual web hosting each company specializes in.
Take your time and make sure you get the right type of virtual web hosting for you. This will give you a great foundation to start with and if you do not take your time finding the right hosting, then you may end up with hosting that just is not that good. Choose with confidence and you will know that you have the best virtual web hosting for you.
Tags: best virtual web hosting, finding virtual web hosting, top virtual web hosting, virtual web host, virtual web hosting, virtual web hosting choices, virtual web hosting options, virtual web hosting types, virtual web hosts, what is virtual web hosting